When asked about relativity, Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that he "thought of that while riding his bike". Within our ranks of the Windbreaker "nation" we have many bright and creative people. Often times we share our bits of wisdom with one another from the seat of our bicycles as we cruise the Inland Valley in the early morning hours.
But other times, our most creative thought comes after the ride, either over coffee, or as is the case pictured here, at one of our getaway adventures. I was going through some old pictures today (thanks to Jamie "Guardrail" Caldwell), and I came across one of "Wrench" at the 2006 California Coast Classic. As you can see, Wrench has converted a food storage box at Pismo State Beach into his podium. No doubt that Wrench's words were enhanced by a glass or two of grape juice. Ride On!!