Saturday, May 15, 2021

"Special Edition" 60 for 60 Ride; Happy Birthday Joe!

Happy Birthday Joe!

May 15, 2021. Several of our ranks gathered on a cool, overcast Saturday morning to wish club Co-Founder Joe a happy birthday and ride alongside on a 60 for 60 bicycle ride.  Our route took us on familiar roads west to Monrovia, Sierra Madre and East Pasadena, then a turnaround through Arcadia, Covina, and San Dimas to finish at Butter Cafe in Upland for breakfast burritos, coffee, and Windbreaker Wife Jenny's delicious carrot cake.  We finished with a celebratory hoisting of the glass for some cold beers at Roundin' Third sports bar, next door to Butter.

Happy Birthday Joe, and Ride On!

Cheers to 60 Years!