Monday, January 21, 2019

Ride Report: California Roll XIII Corona - San Clemente

January 19, 2019.  Windbreakers and friends have returned from a beautiful Saturday in the saddle exploring new roads through Orange County.  Following nearly a week of rain in Windbreaker country, the skies cleared for a beautiful and crisp Saturday morning meet-up and drive to the West Corona Metrolink station to begin our latest "special edition" ride. After meeting longtime Windbreaker friend Vince and other cycling friends from the Corona area, California Roll XIII rolled out at approximately 7:30 am headed for the Santa Ana River trail at the Green River Rd trailhead.  We diverted from the bike trail at Gypsum Canyon Rd, heading for the Anaheim Hills  and points south.  At Mile 10 we were greeted with a pretty aggressive hill climb up Serrano Rd to wake the legs.  But soon enough we were over the ridge and greeted with a beautiful view of Orange County.  And shortly thereafter we were on the road we were looking for: Santiago Canyon Road.

Santiago Canyon
Santiago Creek to our right had plenty of water from the week's rains and the hills were carpeted with a beautiful green landscape.  
Chris motors past on Santiago Canyon Rd.
We continued through Santiago and Modjeska Canyons past Cook's Corner into Mission Viejo.  
Famous Cook's Corner - Santiago Canyon Rd.

Following a regroup at Avery Parkway we completed the ride through San Juan Capistrano, and Doheny State Park eventually joining Coast Hwy and El Camino Real for our destination at Pizza Port in San Clemente.  
Lunch on the patio at Pizza Port San Clemente
Following lunch and beers and visits with good friends we backtracked to Docent Brewing in San Juan Capistrano for a celebratory round before boarding Metrolink for the return ride to Corona.  61 miles and approximately 3,200' of climbing - a great day!  
Cheers to a great day on the bike!
Docent Brewing San Juan Capistrano

We missed some of our regular weekend cycling buddies who had to miss due to illness or other commitments but look forward to more great rides soon.  Another California Roll in the books - Ride On!
Vince, Joe and Chris on Coast Hwy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year from the Windbreakers - Ride On!