Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ride Report: Windbreakers Special Edition - Anaheim Hills/Orange County Loop

June 29, 2024.  With a busy summer for all underway, four of our Windbreaker crew were able to gather on a beautiful Saturday morning for a 54-mile loop in Orange County. Following our drive from Windbreaker country, we gathered at the Anaheim Regional Transportation Center for meet up and departure.  As we pedaled north along the Santa Ana River Trail the morning overcast gave way to sunny blue skies.  We exited the trail for a spirited climb over the Anaheim Hills, joining Santiago Canyon Rd and Jamboree Rd into Orange County.  Beautiful roads through Tustin, Irvine and Newport Beach.

We then met with our very own Orange County Bureau Chief Chris, for a catch-up coffee at C'est Si Bon in Newport Beach.  We said our goodbyes and completed the loop along PCH and the return along the Santa Ana River Trail to the Transportation Center.  Ride On!

Our route for the day

All smiles at meet-up with Chris at C'est Si Bon